Monday, August 25, 2008

Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser - Day 5

If a rainbow appears twice in one day, at two different instances, does one have to make a Beracha twice?


Anonymous said...

Do I have to make a beracha when I see rainbows that are in pictures as well as real life?

What should I do if I keep seeing rainbows?

Anonymous said...

Akavya ben Mehalalel said that in order for one to overpower the yetzer hara, consider the following: know where you come from, where you are going, and who you'll give a din ve cheshbon to. -Avos 3:1

Anonymous said...

In preparation for elul, it's good to remember Yom Kippur Katon; which takes place this thursday- Aug.28.

Unknown said...

The Rambam says in Hilchos Teshuva that a person who seperates themselves from the Tzibor, even though he does not do Aveiros, but is seperated from the general community, he doesn't do the Mitzvos with them and does not feel their pain and he doesn't fast with them, but goes along with the peoples of the world, like he's not a memeber of klal yisroel, he has no chelek in Olam Haba.

Anonymous said...

It is told that the Chofetz Chaim was once sitting and crying. Rav BenTzion Krimphos who was close to him came in and saw it. He was shaken by this site and asked the Chofetz Chaim for an explaination. He answered I have just finished this sefer Reishis Chuchma and there I found that a person who has Bizyonos in this world it takes away alot from his Onesh in Gehenum that he deserves. Now I sit and I'm worried and I cry to myself, why are they punishing me Min Hashamayim that I dont have Bizyonos

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I think we have to say beracha over and over, the rainbow is made by purpose and it's so beautiful

Anonymous said...

I red once a nice explanation about colors in rainbows. Do you know something about ?

Anonymous said...

bless it whenewer you see it. It's worth !

Anonymous said...

There is no to much brachot ! Just say it !

Anonymous said...

The beauty of Hashem creation is in rainbow, we should say Beracha but also enjoy seeing it

Anonymous said...

nice comments

Anonymous said...

Love the poor, so that your children should not be reduced to poverty (derech erec zutta 2.4)

Anonymous said...

Nothing good ever come out of a quarrel- Shemos Rabbah 6

Anonymous said...

The atmosphere of Eretz Yisroel makes one wise ( Bava Basra 157)

Anonymous said...

Rabbi, thank You for all You are doing for Klal, and for me specialy

Anonymous said...

reading all web sites connected to htis issue, I am always coming back to yours. It's the best !

Anonymous said...

You have allways right words, it is not difficult to understand, not everyone has this important gift.

Anonymous said...

My wish is to see the rainbow over the sea, that must be beautiful !