Saturday, August 23, 2008

Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser - Day 3

If one sees a rainbow reflected in the water, does he still make a Beracha?


Unknown said...

Concerning the article "the destruction of the bais Hamikdash" by RAbbi Dovid Goldwasser, How is it that in that generation, when things were SO clear, they had Nevuah, and were able to have Hash-m communicate with them, that the love for Torah became dull and they were less enthusiastic?

What should we say when we feel this way today, when we have lost the BHMK and we face Apikorsim everyday and live in a land with so much Zenus???

Unknown said...

if we dont treat Torah with the proper respect and Kedusha, if we don't learn out of love for hash-m and as our obligation as Yidden, then it becomes, Chas Ve'Shalom, like a regular subject that one learns out of curiousity and interest!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

How can we infuse Kedusha in our lives today? On a PRACTICAL, SIMPLE LEVEL?!!

Unknown said...

How can we infuse Kedusha in our lives today? On a PRACTICAL, SIMPLE LEVEL?!!

Anonymous said...

where is a good area one should consider REALLY doing Teshuva in especially in the upcoming days, the month of Elul??

Or what should be an areaone should be more careful in or be more stringent in?????

Anonymous said...

what is the brocho over a king or president ?

Anonymous said...

it's so nice and it it must be a nice brocha for hers reflexion in the water.
It migh been that our reflexion in the water is also nicer as our aperance and specially of what is hiden in our neshama.

Anonymous said...

it is important to concentrate on both areas, teshuva and perfecting a midda. It is good general overhaul of everything but also pick one particular midda or mitzva and try to perfect it. Specifically, in the area one finds to be the weakest in and has a downfall in.

Anonymous said...

reflection in the water is like illusion, but it's also as a miror.
But I think for reflection there is no need for brocha

Anonymous said...

Life today for us Jews is not havier and not easier then 500 years ago, just at this very moment circumstance are different

Anonymous said...

Your words pearce our neshamot and comes out as reflection spreeding your wisdom all over